Registered user since Mon 20 Jan 2020
Name:Matheus Paixao
Assistant Professor (Tenured) at the State University of Ceara (UECE). Software Engineer and Computer Scientist. I received my PhD degree from University College London, where I was supervised by Prof. Mark Harman and Dr Jens Krinke. My research interests revolve around software and repositories analysis. I find software engineering data fascinating due to its complexity, lack of structure and mix of technical and social aspects. My recent publications involve microservices, software architecture, software refactoring, modern code review, and mining software repositories. Search based software engineering has been my introduction to academia and it is a topic I cannot keep myself away from.
Affiliation:State University of Ceará
Personal website: https://mhepaixao.github.io/homepage/
Research interests: Code Review, Software Architecture, Mining Software Repositories, Search Based Software Engineering
International Conference on Program Comprehension
Mining Software Repositories
ICSE 2024-profile
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