Registered user since Tue 26 Sep 2017
I’m an assistant professor at Ecole Technologie Supérieur - Québec University. Before that, I was working as a PostDoc fellow in the Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab (SAIL) at Queen’s University (Kingston, ON) under the supervision of Prof. Ahmed E. Hassan. I obtained my Ph.D. from the Maintenance, Construction, and Intelligence of Software lab (MCIS) at Ecole Polytechnique (Montréal, QC) under the supervision of Prof. Bram Adams. I have a wide range of research interests that are related to software empirical studies. My main focus is related to software variability in multi-component software systems. I have applied different qualitative and quantitative empirical studies techniques to my research, such as mining software repositories (e.g., source code repositories, online forums, and DockerHub), source code analysis (e.g., Slicing), and machine learning.
Mining Software Repositories
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