Registered user since Thu 9 Jul 2020
Yu Hao is a Computer Science Ph.D. candidate in CRESP at University of California, Riverside, under the supervision of Prof. Prof. Zhiyun Qian. I earned my master’s degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University under the supervision of Prof. Prof. Ting Liu. I also earned my bachelor’s degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University.
My research focuses on system security and program comprehension. My research improves multiple program analysis and testing techniques (e.g., fuzzing, symbolic execution, static analysis and large language models for program comprehension), thereby combining the advantages of those techniques to systematically and automatically improve the security for real world software system (e.g., Linux kernel, multithreaded program). My research has lead multiple papers published in several prestigious conferences (e.g., S&P, ICSE, CCS, FSE, NDSS) and journal (e.g., TSE). The open source tools attract interest from and applied in academia, community and industry.
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